Evento: art'2023
14th International Conference on non-destructive investigations and microanalysis for the diagnostics and conservation of cultural and environmental heritage
2023, November 28th/30th
Partecipazione alla conferenza internazionale con l'intervento "IDN 19 - GLASS-GEMS EXPLORATION BY MULTIDISCIPLINARY METHODS, ANALYSES AND EXPERIMENTS: THE GEMMAE PROJECT", D. Di Martino (Università di Milano Bicocca - INFN Dipartimento di Fisica «G. Occhialini»), E. Gagetti (Università degli Studi di Milano «La Statale» - Dipartimento di Beni Culturali e Ambientali ), G. Marcucci (Università di Milano Bicocca), M.P. Riccardi (Università di Pavia, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente - Arvedi Laboratorio sede di Pavia ), durante la sessione “NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING IN CULTURAL HERITAGE”.
Nella commissione scientifica, era presente anche Daniela Di Martino.
Descrizione dell'evento
Non-destructive Analysis has turned out to be crucial methods to achieve more successful and long-lasting preservation of works of art and environmental heritage.
With the aim to promote education and competence in this field, the “art” logo was created almost forty years ago and it still represents, in national and international sphere, one of the most successful initiatives in this area. The desired synergy among experts will lead to continuous development of new scientific methods in the fields of preservation, reconstruction and diagnostics of cultural and environmental artworks.
The last edition of the “art conference” was held in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in November 2021 and despite the pandemic period it promoted cooperation among different specialists coming from all over the world and strengthened the relationship especially between Italian and Latin-American world of NDT.
The “art’23 Conference” will strive to achieve the funding goals by bringing together delegates, conservation scientists and curators, art historians, analytical scientists and architectural researchers. These experts will meet in Brescia: placed in the North of Italy, AIPnD hometown has been nominated “2023 Italian Capital of Culture” together with Bergamo.
The technical and scientific program will include both invited and short presentations and poster sessions that will highlight the application of NDT in many important sectors related to cultural heritage.
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Gli argomenti della conferenza
- Non-destructive Testing in Cultural Heritage
- Microanalysis and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
- Monitoring of Cultural Heritage
- Environmental Control and Protection
Crediti descrizione e locandina: AIPnD2023
Crediti immagine copertina: BresciaToday
*Associazione Italiana Prove non Distruttive Monitoraggio Diagnostica e Laboratori di Prova Ente del Terzo Settore